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صيانة ال جي بالإسكندرية

  1. زجزاج
    High-efficiency front-loading washers are gaining in popularity due to their low environmental impact. This is because they use less water and detergent to clean the same amount of clothes as a top-loading machine. However, one of their drawbacks is that they switch off and on at the beginning of the wash program and cannot be opened again until the end. However, the cover on the top loading machine can be opened any time you want to check the load or add something.
    صيانة ال جي

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy have pressured device manufacturers to produce energy-efficient models. The stress comes from their program, which identifies products that meet their target level of proficiency. Most high-efficiency washing machines are front loaders. Manufacturers recommend only using detergents designed for high-efficiency washing machines because they do not fill the washer with excess suds.
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