عضو مميز
- معدل تقييم المستوى
- 25
أركان الإسلام
1- THE TWO TESTIMONIES : الشهادتين
they are : I confess that there is no god but ALLAH ,
AND i confess that MUHAMMAD is his prophet .
2- TO PRAY :الصلاة
to adore ALLAH in a manner that is special to MUSLIMS .
allah HAS IMPOSED UPON EVERY MUSLIM,man or woman , to perform five prayers per day .
3-TO PAY THE TITHE : الزكاة
every rich muslim shall have to give a fixed part of his fortune to beggars , needy people , and those who fight for ALLAH ُ s glory .
4- THE FASTING : الصيام
to abstain from eating , drinking and having ***ual intercourse during the day , i.e.
from dawn to sunset , during the month of RAMADAN of every years.
5- PILGRIMAGE :الحج لمن استطاع
to visit ALLAH ُ S HOLY shrine in MECCA ,
the sacred city of islam , so as to perform some special worships at fixed day of the year .
it is an obligation that every major and able MUSLIM should fulfil once at leat in his life