Getting Beyond "HELLO"Professional Telephone Courtesy& Customer Service waldenburg international college

If your organization's telephone presence is less than top-notch, people will likely judge your employees as unprofessional and uninterested in their business. Do the people who answer your phone appear empathic? Friendly? In control? Do they listen well? Do they understand what makes the person on the other end of the telephone tick? During this program, participants will learn the basics of customer service and demonstrate proper telephone skills.

للأستفسار :

Waldenburg International College
الموقع الرسمى باللغة الانجليزية
موقع الوكيل الحصرى لكلية ولدنبرج الدولية
Prime world wide

موقع كلية ولدنبرج الدولية باللغة العربية
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