أهلا وسهلا بكـ يا admin, كن متأكداً من زيارتك لقسم الأسئلة الشائعة إذا كان لديك أي سؤال. أيضاً تأكد من تحديث حسابك بآخر بيانات خاصة بك.
stromectol rezeptfrei Following discontinuation interruption, myelofibrosis symptoms may be exacerbated and general return to pretreatment levels after 1 week Other adverse effects reported include fever, respiratory distress, hypotension, DIC, or multiorgan failure If these symptoms occur after discontinuation or dose tapering, evaluate and treat any intercurrent illness and consider restarting ruxolitinib or increase the dose Instruct patients not to interrupt or discontinue ruxolitinib without consulting their physician When discontinuing or interrupting therapy for reasons other than thrombocytopenia or neutropenia, consider tapering the dose gradually rather than discontinuing abruptly