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معلومات عن IEREK company

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معلومات عن IEREK company
IEREK – International Experts for Research Enrichment and Knowledge Exchange – is an international institution that is concerned with the exchange of knowledge and enhancing research through organizing and managing conferences in all fields of knowledge.

Moreover, IEREK offers workshops and Conferences in various disciplines for all professionals. These professional events are unique in the practical way they are delivered and in the certified professionals who teach them.

Our institution continues its activities through organizing and activating scientific programs to spread science and to develop skills on all local and international levels through its headquarters in Egypt and through our partners throughout the world.

We also process the work for online publishing throughout our international journal and IEREK Electronic Library.

IEREK activities are not only confined to these majors but also include cultural, social, and recreational aspects that would be available in all the events IEREK sponsors, standing by its belief that we all live in one world.
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24-Dec-2014 01:44 PM
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