دورة الشخص المؤهل لفحص وتصميم السقالات
برامج تدريبية طبقا للمتطلبات العالمية
OSHA وذلك من أكبر معهد متخصص بالولايات العالمية
المتحدة في الحصول علي شهادة السقالات
OSHA SCAFFOLD COMPETENT PERSON وتعتبر هذه الدورة أعلي شهادة تمنح للسقالات
سيمنح المتدرب شهادة وكارنية من "SCAFFOLD TRAINING INSTITUTE" من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية .
مدة الدورة : ثلاثة أيام
يبدأ من تاريخ
من الساعة الواحدة ظهراً حتى الساعة الخامسة مساءا
يبدأ من تاريخ
من الساعة الواحدة ظهراً حتى الساعة الخامسة مساءا
• ستقام الدورات فى مركزنا بالإسكندرية
• السعر شامل : المحاضرات و المادة العلمية و المشروبات الخفيفة و الشهادات و
The Scaffold Training Institute is a worldwide leader in providing scaffold training programs. Scaffold Training Institute programs have been used to train thousands of workers around the world since 1991
Scaffold Competent Person Training
Scaffold Users
First, statistics show that falls from elevations are some of the most common accidents on industrial and construction sites. Proper training of personnel can help prevent these acci¬dents.
Second, federal regulations mandate that this training be provided. On August 30, 1996, OSHA passed a new scaffolding regulation. This regulation requires specific training for anyone who uses scaffolding. It also requires training for anyone who erects, dismantles, moves, alters, maintains, repairs, or inspects scaffolding, and requires retraining as neces¬sary (1926.454). A competent person who is qualified in scaffolding must be designated by the employer to supervise scaffolding erection/dismantling/alteration. This competent per¬son must select only trained and experienced personnel to work under his supervision (1926.451(f)(7)).
Third, employees and employers should follow OSHA regulations because adherence to the mandatory safety rules may prevent an accident. While implementation of a safety program is the employer's responsibility, compliance with the safety program is in the best interest of all parties. Safety in the workplace is everyone's responsibility.
This course is designed to assist the participant in reaching the terminal objective obtaining a thorough knowledge of the hazards associated with scaffold use.
1. Specify the General Requirements for Frame, Tube & Clamp, and System Scaffolding.
2. Determine the Specific Safety Rules and Steps Associated with the Erection, Dismantling of Tube & Clamp, System and frame scaffolding.
3. Identify the Major Items to Consider when Performing a Scaffold Inspection.
4. Specify the Major Elements of OSHA's Regulation 29 CFR Subpart L - Scaffolding.
5. Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the hazards associated with scaffold use by the following:
A. Specify the major elements of OSHA regulation 29CFR1926.454, Training Requirements for scaffold users.
B. Determine the Basic Elements of a Safe Scaffold Platform for Frame, Rolling Towers, Tube & Clamp and System Scaffold.
C. Determine the nature of Fall Hazards and the use of Fall Protection equipment on Frame, Rolling Towers, Tube & Clamp and System scaffold.
D. Determine the nature of Falling Object Hazards and the use of Falling Object Protection on Frame, Rolling Towers, Tube & Clamp and System Scaffolds.
E. Determine the nature of electrical hazards and the use of electrical hazard protection on Frame, Rolling Towers, Tube & Clamp and System scaffold.
F. Determine the nature of material handling hazards and the proper material handling on Frame, Rolling Towers, Tube & Clamp and System scaffold.
G. Determine the nature of overloading hazards and the maximum intended load carrying capacity on Frame, Rolling Towers, Tube & Clamp and System scaffold while.
H. Determine the Prohibited User Actions for Frame, Rolling Towers.
6. Design & Loading, including how to determine what size scaffold is needed, how to do scaffold drawings, how to calculate the scaffold material required, and how to calculate the weights on the scaffold planks, bearers, couplers, and posts (leg loads). It also covers typical manufacturers allowable loading..
7. Practical Hands-On Erection and dismantling of several types of frame, tube & coupler, and "system" scaffolds. When this module is conducted on site at the clients location, it may be expanded to multiple days if required.
Who Should Attend:
1. Scaffolders , Scaffold Supervisors ( Anyone who erects, dismantles, moves, alters, maintains, repairs Scaffolds ).
2. Scaffolding inspectors.
3. Safety Engineers, Supervisors and Officers
4. Construction Engineers, Supervisors.
5. Anyone who uses scaffolding should attend specific topics covered under scaffold user module in this course.
Duration of the Course:
3 days / plus an exam and one day practice
Participants who pass the final exam will receive a certificate and wallet card from Scaffold Training Institute – Houston USA.
المحاضر المهندس / أحمد المنطاوى (المحاضر المعتمد من معهد السقالات بهيوستن بالولايات المتحدة
كيفيه الاتصال بنا : يرجى ارسال استمارة الترشيح على ايميل tamer@middeleastosha.com
01144993718 – 01111165262 – 01144993719 - 01119113822 - Alexandria
13 مكرر شارع ابراهيم الحلبي متفرع من طريق الحرية - جليم – الدور الثاني
TEL&FAX 03 5826028
يرجى التكرم بزيارة موقعنا على الانترنت اوشا الشرق الاوسط -www.middeleastosha.com
Training Manager
Tamer Abdullah Sharaky