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In the last issue (11-3) of this eNewsletter ( you found out that to survive in this tough economy you must:
--Think projects
--Think global
--Think weird
--Become an effective team player and leader
--Focus on delivering exceptional quality service
--Become a problem solver
--Think of yourself as self-employed
--Keep Growing
--Network Now
In this issue you will find out how well you are achieving a competitive advantage in this tough economy by asking yourself the following diagnostic questions:

Am I learning?
If you are not learning something new all of the time, your value in the marketplace is diminishing rapidly.

Am I being taken advantage of?
Your employer is taking advantage of you when you consistently sacrifice your long-term development to put out short-term "fires." Don't let your ego get the better of you when you are being told that you are so critical to the organization that "we can't afford to do without you." Hogwash! No one is indispensable. Never ever get caught in persistent short-term traps, at the expense of your long-term development.

If my job were open today, would I get it?
Be sure to "benchmark" your skills all of the time. One way to do that is to look at the on-line want ads to find out what the marketplace is looking for. And if you do not possess the skills that the marketplace is looking for, it's time to invest more in yourself by reading, studying or going back to "school."

Am I adding value?
How long does it take you to answer this question? If you are unable to answer it immediately and in fewer than two or three sentences, you can assume that no one else knows how you contribute value either. In that case, you are a likely target during the next downsizing.

Am I good at selling?
Many professionals see no need to become excellent at selling. The reality is that you sell all the time. You sell your vendor on a delivery date, your boss on a raise, and your team members on an idea. In addition, you do the same at home with your spouse, your children, and even your pets. Since it is something you do all of the time, I recommend that you get good at it. No wait I recommend you get great at it! So start looking for a good sales seminar and attend it this year!

Am I computer savvy?
If you have not made your computer your best friend and learned to master a wide variety of software that makes your work-life easier, it's time to start, now!

Am I energized by change?
If you are still fighting or resisting change, you are in trouble. All indications are that change will continue to accelerate at "hyper speed," so you might as well start welcoming it.

Does my resume focus on contributions?
To check how focused you are on contributions, get out your resume and check for specific outcomes, specific impact on the bottom line, and variety and content of work, projects and leadership experiences. Are you impressed? Would you hire this person? If yes, congratulations. If no, start focusing on contributions now, and make sure your resume reflects that.

Do I do more than what is expected of me?
If you do, you'll be the last one to go when your organization downsizes, and may even get a pay raise, no matter how tough things are.

Do you put the Energizer Bunny to shame?
If not, get in the driver's seat of your emotions and make a decision today and every day for the rest of your life, to be energetic and positive no matter how bad things are going for you. Remember, how you feel is your choice; do not give it away to anyone or anything else!

And for the Most Important Principle of All Time: Take Action

This is more important than all the others. It can best be summarized by ready, fire, aim! (Not a typo.) It's the one skill that when all else fails will determine whether you will thrive in this tough economy. Action lets you know whether what you've tried works. If it does, do more of it. If it does not, try something else, and soon you'll find yourself succeeding faster than you have ever thought possible. And whatever you do, avoid fretting about having failed--there is no such a thing, unless you keep repeating the same mistake. Action gets you away from bemoaning change and mourning the lack of job security. Action will liberate and empower you. Action will get you to grow, change and adapt. Action will provide you with virtual job security. In short, action will enable you to achieve a competitive advantage and will help you thrive even in a tough economy.
