C.V Mohamed Sabry - HR Specialist
Mohamed Sabry Fouad Ahmed
20 A – Ezz eldin Omar str. esbates, el haram
Giza, Egypt
Telephone: (202)33840900 / (202)33821632
Mobile: (20)0106951769
To seek a challenging job in Human Resources field in order to gain personal and working experience that will allow me to grow in my career and reach a leadership position
2002-2006 Helwan University Cairo, Egypt
· Faculty of law " member of lawyers association of Egypt "
· Practical Human Resources Diploma (PHRD).www. hccacademy.com
Ø Sponsored by Human Capital Capability Academy(HCCA)
Work Experience & skills
Work Experience:
· “From March 2008 till present” "HR Specialist" in Elkada-HR Company (for Management & Development off Human Resources). www.alkadahr.com
ü Duties & responsibilities:-
o Responsible for filing and creating a filing system for all resumes.
o Responsible for regular update for the resumes both in files and in computer data bank.
o Receiving applicants & applicant resumes and conducting initial interviews for applicants whenever possible & recording their assessment.
o Handling classification & filing process for CVs
o Conducting job analysis for the required positions.
o Handling the search and selection process.
o Screening and Searching the CVs.
o Evaluating the candidates & preparing a shortlist.
o Management and coordination in the interviews
o Scheduling and organizing the workshops (inside & outside the company).
o Ratification of certificates of candidates from the Saudi cultural attaché
o Assigned any other tasks according to Manpower Services Manager's requirements.
· “From Nov 2007 till March 2008” in Raya Contact Center “agent” in Vodafone projects. www.rayacorp.com
ü Duties & responsibilities:-
o Handling the customer complaints and inquires regarding the prepaid and post paid and Corporate lines
o Customer care rep. working on Vodafone project in outsourcing department.
· “From Sept 2006 till March 2007” a Trainee lawyer.
Computer Skills:
· ICDL “International Computer Driving License“.
· Finished Computer course in Ket Company (Beginner, Secretary, and Maintenance).
· Excellent Knowledge of windows , power point, word, excel and internet
· Very Good Knowledge of access, MS project, and Outlook.
Language Skills:
· Native language Arabic.
· Very Good command of both written and spoken English.
Training courses
· ISO 9001: 2008
· Sales Diploma. (Canadian Center)
· May 07 – Aug 07 Basic Business Skills Acquisition (BBSA). Cairo – Egypt.
Sponsored by the Future Generation Foundation (FGF).
· English Course (Center of languages & Translation) Cairo University.
· English Course (Berlitz).
Training :
1. Developed Language and Computer skills.
2. Enhanced Presentation & project development skills.
3. Enhanced Presentation & Project Development Skills Acquired Basic Business Skills including: Marketing, Sales, Banking, Accounting, Business Correspondence and Report Writing.
Reading, in economics and finance, Play chess, Riding horses.
Personal Information
Date of Birth: 30/12/1985
Marital Status: Single.
Military Status: Postponed (3 years).