ارغب في وظيفة لدى احدى شركات المحترمه
خبره 6 سنوات في مجال الكمبيوتر صيانه سوفت وير هاردوير
والأعمال المكتبيه ومعي لغة الأنكليزية
my cv
Mouayyad Alhammoud
Service Officer
raqqa, Syria
E-mail: mouayyad123@hotmail.com
Daytime phone: 0096176146821
Mobile Phone Number: 963.962454304
Career Objective
Service Officer / Computer Technician / Software
Personal Data
Date of birth: September 15, 1985
Gender: Male
Nationality: Syrian
Location: Damascus, Syria
Marital status: Single
Professional Experience
August 2008 - February 2009: annihilate
Big sale Largest market for clothing in Beirut
Service Officer - Officer Fund
May 2009 - February 2011
Alauterado MallBeirut - Lebanon
Language Level Years of Experience Since when has not exercised this experience
Good English more than two years, three months or less
Phone Number : 00963962454304 / 0096176146821
E-mail mouayyad123@hotmail.com
my web : http://shadwo85.eb2a.com/vb/
I hope that the work of a team
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